[Translate to ko-kr:] Delivery service

Hettich 공급 업체가되기 위해 신청하려면 "공급 업체 신청서"양식을주의해서 작성하십시오. 상품 및 서비스 구매 조건에 대한 포괄적 인 정보는 다운로드에서 찾을 수 있습니다. SRM 사용자 매뉴얼도 다운로드 할 수 있습니다.

[Translate to ko-kr:] Contact form for applying to become a supplier

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양식을 작성하여 보내주시기 바랍니다.

[Translate to ko-kr:] Instruction on safety for outside companies

[Translate to ko-kr:]

This is where you find the latest standard instruction on occupational health and safety, environmental protection and fire safety for outside companies for downloading.

The regulations for outside companies (HR 00107), the instruction report (HF 00110), authorisation for drivers of fork lift trucks (HF 03506), authorisation for operating lifting work platforms for outside companies (HF 10021) and the assessment of hazards on building sites and installation sites by external service providers (HF 00177) apply to all German operating bases.

  • Standard instruction (HR 00115) applies to the Kirchlengern and Bünde operating bases.
  • Standard instruction (HR 00025) applies to the Spenge operating base.
  • Standard instruction (HR 00132) applies to the Vlotho operating base.
  • Standard instruction (HR 10584) applies to the Berlin operating base.
  • Standard instruction (HR 10985) applies to the Frankenberg operating base.
  • Standard instruction (HR 11903) applies to the Balingen operating base.
  • Instruction report (HF 10986) applies to the Frankenberg operating base.